September 12, 2024

How the SBA 504 Loan Can Help Your Bank Compete on Interest Rates

There are many advantages to the SBA 504 loan program that can provide you with a competitive advantage and provide the best financing for your small business client. The SBA 504 loan program combines financing from a bank or other financial institution with financing from the SBA to allow for up to 90% financing on commercial real estate. The real estate must be 51% or more occupied by a small business operating company that is the borrower or guarantor on the loan.

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Easing Into the Fall

At Long Last, Some Rate Relief

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always looked forward to the early days of autumn. I’m of a certain vintage that remembers when September and October ushered in a break from summer heat (which seems to be later in the calendar these days), and there was a certain excitement around the back-to-school activities. Football fans eagerly await gridiron season, which is now in full swing, and baseball playoffs make their return.

Easing Into the Fall

At Long Last, Some Rate Relief

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Mastering Information Chaos

How Enterprise Content and Information Management (ECM/EIM) Platforms Empower Banks To Overcome Data Overload and Drive Innovation

In today’s digital age, data is often hailed as the new currency. However, this surge in data production has given rise to a new challenge: information chaos. This phenomenon creates the daunting task of managing both physical and digital data from diverse sources, especially with the reliance on paper-based processes despite the goal of electronic workflows. As a result, banks and credit unions must navigate a landscape where information overload, fragmented data sources and disparate data formats reign supreme.

Mastering Information Chaos

How Enterprise Content and Information Management (ECM/EIM) Platforms Empower Banks To Overcome Data Overload and Drive Innovation

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From The Top: Getting Comfortable With Fintechs

When I first got involved with ICBA’s ThinkTECH Accelerator, I must admit that I believed fintechs were scary. However, what I learned is that “fintech” is a buzzword. Fintech companies are not necessarily different from other solution providers. The “fintech” title serves as a way to designate an innovative company. And don’t we all want modern partners for our banks?

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