Pub. 3 2024 Issue 2

From the Top: Continuing the Community Bank Legacy

As I reflect on my year as ICBA chairman, I’m proud to say that it’s been a big win for ICBA and for community banks across the country, as our “one mission” has been on full display. From the exemption of community banks from the FDIC’s special assessment to the determined opposition we showed for the CFPB’s Section 1071 rule, our collective work has ensured that community banks and the communities we serve continue to flourish.

But serving as chairman has been about far more than industry successes. It’s about the legacy I have been a part of and what we collectively accomplish. I am in complete awe of all the community bankers who have served in this role before me. ICBA has been triumphant in advancing our mission because so many noble people throughout history have given their time, supporting the dedicated staff who carry that same commitment to community banking.

When I became chairman, I set out to lift up community bankers around the country, reminding them that what they do matters, but as it turns out, I was the one who was inspired. Spending time with warm, gracious and committed community servants, I have seen just how connected we truly are. While the locations and the customs are different, community bankers everywhere are amazing people who put others first and believe that the greatest good comes from the sacrifices of those who care most. My life has been infinitely enriched by the bankers I have met this year and their unparalleled commitment to our field.

Through it all, I’ve become even more certain of the importance of the individual bank. Each of us is unique because our communities are unique and our customers are unique — and we can never lose sight of that. If it matters to member banks, it must matter to ICBA.

As I close out my time at the helm, I have to say that it has been the single greatest honor and privilege of my community banking career to serve as ICBA chairman. I believe passionately in the community banking model and the good that we do every day for our customers, our family of employees, our stakeholders and our communities. We must continue to have faith that our banks and our people matter greatly to our communities. We must hold our heads high, knowing we make a true difference in the lives of the people we serve, because for now and always, that is what it means to be a community banker.

Connect with Derek on X @DerekBWilliams

Quote of the Month

“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”
— Isaac Newton, English mathematician and physicist

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