Pub. 3 2024 Issue 5

Transforming Lending

The Role Borrower Portals Can Play in Community Banking Growth

A generation ago, obtaining a commercial loan was a lengthy process involving multiple in-person meetings, extensive paperwork and long waits. Today, the commercial lending landscape has been revolutionized by technology, making the process smoother, more collaborative and less confusing. For example, lending software can reduce processing times by up to 40%, offering significant efficiency gains for you and your customers.

One key technology driving this transformation is the borrower portal — an online platform where borrowers can securely provide required documentation, apply for loans, track their status and manage applications. With nearly 89% of U.S. bank account holders using mobile or online banking, borrower portals are becoming essential.

The goals of borrower portals are twofold: improving efficiency for lenders through reduced workloads and enhanced productivity and improving the customer experience by making the loan process more user-friendly.

Below, we explore three of the most important components of a borrower-friendly portal:

  1. Collaborative communication.
  2. Seamless customer onboarding.
  3. Reduced cybersecurity risks.

Collaborative Communication

For community banks, a borrower portal is essential for secure and efficient communication with borrowers. In commercial lending, where financial information is frequently exchanged, the portal provides a safe, encrypted space, reducing the risks associated with unsecured emails.

This centralized communication hub streamlines the loan process, eliminating the need for phone tag and messy email threads. With digital communication becoming the norm, especially among younger borrowers, a borrower portal meets the growing demand for secure, convenient digital interactions, enhancing the overall experience for both lenders and borrowers.

Seamless Onboarding

Onboarding is a pivotal stage in commercial lending for community banks, setting the foundation for the lender-borrower relationship and ensuring accurate information collection. A user-friendly borrower portal can significantly enhance this process by removing potential frustrations and making the experience smoother for borrowers.

For community banks, a well-designed portal simplifies the onboarding process by providing clear instructions and guiding borrowers through each step. This not only improves the borrower’s experience but also reduces the administrative burden on the bank, streamlining the traditionally complex task of gathering and managing documentation, ultimately saving time and resources.

Reduced Risks

Borrower portal security is paramount. The portal must protect sensitive information from unauthorized access, with no intercepted communications or unencrypted data.

Encryption is crucial, scrambling data so that only authorized users can access it. As cyberattacks increase, encryption helps shield your bank from these threats. While it’s not foolproof, when combined with multi-factor authentication, it adds a vital layer of security, safeguarding borrower data and maintaining trust in your bank’s digital services.

The Power of Borrower Portals

By integrating borrower portals, community banks can streamline processes, enhance customer experiences and fortify security measures. Truly friendly portals do not only simplify communication and onboarding but also provide the robust protection necessary in today’s cybersecurity landscape. Embracing such technology is essential for staying competitive, improving efficiency and building stronger relationships with borrowers.

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